Five Links You Should Totally Check Out
This week's links have a bunch of interesting content that I wanted to share.
Design Patterns Simplified
Why do I like this? Design patterns are hugely important in software development. Being able to understand the more complicated patterns allows you to write better, more maintainable code. It leads to consistency. This article covers the bridge pattern, how it works, and why and where you should use it.
Faceted Navigation
Why do I like this? Using faceted navigation, you can reduce the amount of crawling traffic on your site, while still maintaining positive SEO and UX benefits. Companies like Amazon use this type of navigation to make their sites faster and easier to use.
UI Kit by Tomasz Mazurczak
Why do I like this? I love UI kits. This one is clean, minimalist, and best of all: free for both personal and commercial use.
Creativity in Art
Why do I like this? Using AI to find the most creative artwork seems like something out of a science fiction novel, but Amhed Elgammal and Babak Saleh have done just this. There are still some limitations in the algorithm, but this advance is pretty big in terms of what we can get computers to do.
Why We Can't Have Nice Things
Why do I like this? Humorous look at why programmers can't have nice things. We constantly seem to commit the same errors day after day, year after year.